Sun in HAlpha With Lunt LS100THa Uploaded 10/30/21 Daily Report For Saturday, October 30th
 A flaring sunspot greeted me today as I set up and imaged the Sun. Seeing was slighty better than average, allowing me to get good details of this rare event. Maybe some Aurora in a day or two!
Images below are 1290 wide and non clickable


Lets start with the full disk. You can see the flareing sunspot as a brilliant ribbon on the left spot.


Close up at 3x shows very good detail in the ribbon flare in the sunspot! It was changing fast, in a minute you can see the flare changing its brightest areas.


The other Sunspot group had an amazing disturbance in the spicule forests seen all over the Sun. it too had amazing details.


Just look how large an area was disturbed!


Here is the flaring spot group in the Red wing of Halpha light. (offset tune 0.8A) A few bright Ellerman Bombs can be seen and the filaments shooting up from the spot seen as dark ribbons. As you tuned away from center band into the wings they became more visible.

The other spot group in the Red wing.

Some VERY faint proms on the limb. Barely got them, even with this much over exposure.

Instruments: Lunt LS100THa Halpha Platform: Astrophysics 1200 Camera: DMK 51 Location: Payson, Arizona Elevation: 5150 ft. Sky: Seeing 3/5, Transparency 9/10 Outside Temperature: 55F Processing: Registax 6, Photoshop CS2 Solar Home Page HOME SCHMIDT GALAXIES EMISSION NEBS REFLECTION NEBS COMETS GLOBULARS OPEN CLUST PLANETARIES LINKS