Earthshine on the moon - HDR New Orion 8" f/4 Astrograph

Uploaded 5/8/11

 The sky was clear, wind dying down, and although there was considerable dust in the air from outside of Arizona (china or LA pollution?) I decided to try to do some HDR work on the moon and see if I could bring out the Earthshine on the un illuminated portion. A complete series of images was taken with the Orion f/4 Astrograph, ranging in time from 1/250 second to 15 seconds to really blast the earthshine. Ill show you both ends of the spectrum here, and my moderately successful attempt at combining them into one high dynamic frame image. I tried photoshops HDR, but that was a mess and so did it manually the old fashioned way.

I might add that the huge amount of dust had a strong yellowing effect and nulled out any blue tint on the Earthshine portion.

At the bottom is an image I took with my fisheye lens as it was getting dark and I had set up showing the entire observatory with the roof rolled back.

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Short exposure showing the moons normal appearance.
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15 seconds showing the unlit portion of the moon lit only by the Earths Gibbous disk in its sky.
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An attempt to combine both images in to one. Not pretty but instructive.
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The inside of the observatory at Happy Jack, with me standing on one corner with the Fish eye lens! The Stellarvue SV80s Astrograph is on the back for alternating guiding or imaging.
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Optics: 8" f/4 Newtonian Astrograph w/Baader MPCC Coma Corrector Platform: Homemade GEM Camera: Hutech Modified Canon XTi @ ISO200 Exposure: 1/250 - 15 sec Location: Happy Jack, Arizona Elevation: 6800 ft. Sky: Seeing 6/10, Transparency 5/10 Outside Temperature: 38F Processing Tools: Photoshop CS2, Images Plus 3.82 HOME GALAXIES EMISSION NEBS REFLECTION NEBS COMETS GLOBULARS OPEN CLUST PLANETARIES LINKS