M45 - The Plieades Star Cluster Cluster / Nebulosity Complex in Taurus

Uploaded 12/31/18

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 Just in time for the end of 2018, the sky cleared for one last time. It was just in time too, a huge winter storm was coming in the very next day! I shot for 3 hours non stop on this one, and it took me at least that amount of time for my slow computer to process all 36 of the huge files. The result is one of the more dramatic shots of this object I have taken yet.
Lens: Stellarvue SV80s at f/4.8 Camera: Canon XTi Hutech Modified Mount: Astrophysics AP1200 Location: Payson, Arizona Elevation: 5100 ft. Sky: Seeing 5/10, Transparency 7/10 Outside Temperature: 25F Processing Tools: Photoshop CS2, Maxim DSLR HOME GALAXIES EMISSION NEBS REFLECTION NEBS COMETS GLOBULARS OPEN CLUST PLANETARIES LINKS