Comet 46P/Wirtanen
in the evening sky
December 8, 2018

 This shot was taken as a first light new lens test of my Sigma macro. It is a superb lens for daytime close ups, and very fast at f/2.8. Here, I wanted to see how this non-zoom lens did on stars. I was not dissapointed! Tack sharp, with stars so tiny they were not fully resolved by the 11 mega pixel sensor. The comet was magnitude 4.2 when this shot was taken, and processing the dozens of 36 Mb files was a very laborous task at best, bringing my computer to its knees. By only opening five fieles at a time and taking two nights to process, this was the result.
Select an image size for a larger view: 1400 x 1290
Lens: Sigma 150mm f/2.8 Macro Camera: Canon Xti Platform: Astrophysics AP1200 Exposure: 60m RGB Location: Payson, Arizona Elevation: 5150 ft. Sky: Seeing 5/10, Transparency 3/10 Outside Temperature: 45F Processing Tools: Maxim DL, Photoshop CS2 HOME GALAXIES EMISSION NEBS REFLECTION NEBS COMETS GLOBULARS OPEN CLUST PLANETARIES LINKS