IC4592 in Scorpius
with 8" f/3.9 Astrograph
Uploaded 6/27/21

This beautiful reflection nebula surrounds the star nu Scorpi, and just fits the 2 degree field shown here. There are no galaxies in this shot, the dust in the part of the sky blocks our view of distant galaxies and reddens the stars. The star nu marks the "eye" of a much larger "Blue Horsehead Nebula" as some call it, which is far larger than my smaller field here.
Select an image size for a larger view: 1400 x 1290
Instrument: 8" f/3.9 Orion Astrograph Newtonian with Baader MPCC Mount: Home Made GEM Camera: ZWO ASI071MC Pro Color CMOS Guider: ZWO ASI120 mini w/80mm piggyback refractor Exposure: 30m Location: Happy Jack, Arizona, Elevation: 7000 ft. Sky: Seeing FWHM = 1 arcsec , Transparency 9/10 Outside Temperature: 45 F Image Processing Tools: Maxim DL6: Calibration, Color Conversion, aligning, stacking PixInsight: Saturation Curves Photoshop CS2: Curves, Color Correction, Gradient removal (Grad Xterminator), Cleanup HOME GALAXIES EMISSION NEBS REFLECTION NEBS COMETS GLOBULARS OPEN CLUST PLANETARIES LINKS